GP Florian Vermeersch

Amatör, 20. Mayıs 2024, Belgium


Poz. Bisikletçi Takım Zaman
01 Havik Piotr Shifting Gears 03:07:36
02 Van Damme Rico Team Cibel Cebon + 04
03 De Schampheleire Jonas Alfasun - Basso Team Flanders + 04
04 Vanhaecke Arno Urbano-Vulsteke CT + 04
05 Bellens Jarno Stageco Cycling Team + 09
06 Torney Artuur Mini Discar Cycling Team + 26
07 Van Impe Dylan Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team + 26
08 De Pauw Len Urbano-Vulsteke CT + 26
09 Van Roy Matthias Cycle Passion - Scott Racing Team + 29
10 D'Heygere Gil CT UW Immo Plus-Doltcini Sportswear + 29
11 Beirlaen Jakov Alfasun - Basso Team Flanders + 29
12 Willemsens Robbe RB Zelfbouw UCT + 29
13 Grootjans Jeno Urbano-Vulsteke CT + 29
14 Antheunis Siebren Debondt Verandas Cycling Team + 34
15 Catteeuw Xander Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel + 34
16 De Neve Joerik CT UW Immo Plus-Doltcini Sportswear + 34
17 Inion Sander Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel + 34
18 Delrue Maxim Alfasun - Basso Team Flanders + 34
19 Lowie Theo Mini Discar Cycling Team + 39
20 Frankes Marijn Houttec Cycling Team + 39
21 Moens Jens Van Eyck Sport - Josan + 50
23 Sterck Joppe DCR Cycling Team + 50
23 de Jong Stef Volharding Cycling Team + 50
24 De Sutter Stijn Alfasun - AS Construct Cycling Team + 50
25 Caethoven Kenneth Bataia Brigade + 50
26 Van de Perre Dimitri Van Eyck Sport - Josan + 50
27 Immerzeel Niels Dutch Food Valley Cycling Team + 50
28 Van Cauwenberghe Christophe Shifting Gears + 50
29 Van Schoor Matthew Team Cibel Cebon + 50
30 Van Duysen Robbe KON. VC T Meetjesland - Knesselare + 50
31 Coles Jamie Cycle Passion - Scott Racing Team + 50
32 Verbiest Senna Cycle Passion - Scott Racing Team + 50
33 De Neve Hannes RB Zelfbouw UCT + 50
34 Willaerts Niels Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team + 50
35 Hristov Svetozar Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team + 50
36 Van Damme Bart Shifting Gears + 50
37 Deelstra Huub Houttec Cycling Team + 50
38 Buyens Augustijn Van Eyck Sport - Josan + 50
39 De Schuyter Arne Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team + 50
40 Matthys Niels Bataia Brigade + 50
41 D'Houst Yani Campe Cycling Team + 50
42 Baele Xander DCR Cycling Team + 50
43 Van Gogh Xander Hubo-Remotive Cycling Team + 50
44 Verdonck Wies Alfasun - Basso Team Flanders + 50
45 Janssen Wout Cyclis - Van Den Plas + 50
46 Koning Evert Houttec Cycling Team + 50
47 Pieters Bjarne Campe Cycling Team + 50
48 Coppens Carrera Oost Vlaanderen + 50
49 De Roeck Mathis Team Cibel Cebon + 50
50 Dierickx Arno CT UW Immo Plus-Doltcini Sportswear + 50
51 Nieland Thomas Volharding Cycling Team + 50
52 Fostier Thibault Alfasun - AS Construct Cycling Team + 50
53 Dekien Jasper Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel + 50
54 Kerkhofs Jonathan Hubo-Remotive Cycling Team + 50
55 Slaets Yorick Mini Discar Cycling Team + 50
56 Koeweiden Bram Dutch Food Valley Cycling Team + 50
57 Bekaert Laurens Bataia Brigade + 50
58 De Laeter Jerko Alfasun - AS Construct Cycling Team + 50
59 Rietjens Sander Alfasun - Basso Team Flanders + 50
60 François Tomas Cycle Passion - Scott Racing Team + 50
61 Keppens Noah Debondt Verandas Cycling Team + 50
62 De Zutter Jeltho KON. VC T Meetjesland - Knesselare + 50
63 Piceu Emiel Campe Cycling Team + 50
64 Claeys Timothy Campe Cycling Team + 50
65 Platteau Niels Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team + 50
66 Seye Guillaume Team Cibel Cebon + 50
67 De Ghein Davy Shifting Gears + 50
68 L'Eau Michiel DCR Cycling Team + 59
69 Luiten Niels Mini Discar Cycling Team + 59
70 Stevens Daan Hubo-Remotive Cycling Team + 59
71 Bontinck Jarne Oost Vlaanderen + 01:42
72 Verlinden Diego Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team + 01:42
73 Van Peteghem Trifonius Bataia Brigade + 01:42
74 Dedry Tom Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team + 01:48
75 Ryckaert Yoni Campe Cycling Team + 01:52
76 Coster Kevin Dutch Food Valley Cycling Team + 01:52
77 Verbracke Austin Campe Cycling Team + 01:53
78 Van Staeyen Maarten Cyclis - Van Den Plas + 01:53
79 Clemminck Edgar DCR Cycling Team + 01:53
80 Mortreux Axel Alfasun - AS Construct Cycling Team + 01:53
81 Hiemstra Jelrik Houttec Cycling Team + 01:56
82 Szekely Nathan Stageco Cycling Team + 01:56
83 De Ost Jarne Van Eyck Sport - Josan + 02:10
84 Modafferi Sacha Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team + 02:12
85 van Eekelen Nathan Volharding Cycling Team + 02:12
86 Grosemans Dries Stageco Cycling Team + 02:16
87 De Veirman Fabrice CT UW Immo Plus-Doltcini Sportswear + 02:18
88 Vandenabeele Kobe Hubo-Remotive Cycling Team + 02:23
89 Buys Jean Van Eyck Sport - Josan + 03:04
90 Van Den Eede Borre Hubo-Remotive Cycling Team + 03:05
91 Gerritsma Bouke Houttec Cycling Team + 03:05
92 Suurd Rick Houttec Cycling Team + 03:07
93 Van De Velde Senne RB Zelfbouw UCT + 03:07
94 Oreel Lars Team Cibel Cebon + 03:24
95 Goossens Kenny Team Cibel Cebon + 03:39
96 Christiaens Lander Stageco Cycling Team + 03:44
97 Deweerd Ugo Mini Discar Cycling Team + 04:09
98 Van Loocke Lars Campe Cycling Team + 04:17
99 Maes Alec Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel + 04:21
100 Notebaert Kamiel Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel + 04:21
101 Van Lommel Lennert Stageco Cycling Team + 04:32
102 Dewaele Senne KON. VC T Meetjesland - Knesselare + 04:56
103 Van Der Plaetsen Damon KON. VC T Meetjesland - Knesselare + 04:56
104 Van Nieuwenhove Lars Urbano-Vulsteke CT + 05:09
105 De Maere Arne Mini Discar Cycling Team + 05:09
106 Hengst Sebastiaan Dutch Food Valley Cycling Team + 05:09
107 Van Damme Davy Oost Vlaanderen + 05:09
108 Peers Nick Cyclis - Van Den Plas + 05:09
109 Siemons Julian Cyclis - Van Den Plas + 05:09
110 Van De Walle Brent KON. VC T Meetjesland - Knesselare + 05:09
111 Decabooter Lance Shifting Gears + 05:09
112 Deman Brem Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel + 05:09
113 Clerx Ferre Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team + 05:09
114 Meekma Klaas Volharding Cycling Team + 05:49
115 van Esterik Mart Volharding Cycling Team + 05:49
116 Vanhoucke Herman Bataia Brigade + 05:51
117 Kras Bram Houttec Cycling Team + 06:24
118 Steenackers Luka Debondt Verandas Cycling Team + 06:37
119 Siemons Stijn Van Eyck Sport - Josan + 06:37
120 Van Der Heyden Dario Van Eyck Sport - Josan + 06:37
121 Dunton Finn Debondt Verandas Cycling Team + 06:37
122 Verdijck Niels Bataia Brigade + 06:37
123 Desimpelaere Robbe Alfasun - Basso Team Flanders + 06:37
124 Van Cleemputte Kenji Debondt Verandas Cycling Team + 06:41
125 Baert Basiel Hubo-Remotive Cycling Team + 06:44
126 Duflo Rune Alfasun - Basso Team Flanders + 06:44
127 Decaestecker Korneel RB Zelfbouw UCT + 06:44
128 Schoots Sander Dutch Food Valley Cycling Team + 06:55
129 D'Hollander Senne Cyclis - Van Den Plas + 07:00
130 De Meester Milan Urbano-Vulsteke CT + 07:42
131 Jordens Jarno Stageco Cycling Team + 07:42
132 Clauwaert Maarten RB Zelfbouw UCT + 07:44
133 Squire Ben DCR Cycling Team + 07:44
134 Quintelier Timo Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team + 07:44
135 Antheunis Ferre Cycle Passion - Scott Racing Team + 08:49
136 Castermans Jarne Cycle Passion - Scott Racing Team + 08:49
137 Verheyen Nils Urbano-Vulsteke CT + 08:51
138 Van Laer Pieter RB Zelfbouw UCT + 09:00
139 Bijl Kinley RB Zelfbouw UCT + 09:00
140 Nikkels Eelke Volharding Cycling Team + 09:00
141 De Buysser Quinten Oost Vlaanderen + 09:00
142 Vrachten Arne Alfasun - AS Construct Cycling Team + 09:00
143 Balcaen Manolito CT UW Immo Plus-Doltcini Sportswear + 09:28
144 Pessemier Tom CT UW Immo Plus-Doltcini Sportswear + 09:28
145 Geudens Robbe Stageco Cycling Team + 09:28
146 Reyns Elias Hubo-Remotive Cycling Team + 09:28
147 De Keersmaeker Alexander DCR Cycling Team + 10:31
148 Van Sterthem Jelle Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team + 10:31
149 Eeckhout Sander Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel + 10:31
150 De Groodt Jordy Alfasun - AS Construct Cycling Team + 11:17
151 Van Breussegem Elias Shifting Gears + 12:15
DNF Heyse Arne Oost Vlaanderen
DNF Boon Yoran Alfasun - AS Construct Cycling Team
DNF De Decker Alfdan CT UW Immo Plus-Doltcini Sportswear
DNF Ferket Robin Cyclis - Van Den Plas
DNF Van Den Broeck Arno Cyclis - Van Den Plas
DNF Smet Jonas DCR Cycling Team
DNF Van Malderen Beau Debondt Verandas Cycling Team
DNF Coster Patrick Dutch Food Valley Cycling Team
DNF Van Hout Stan Dutch Food Valley Cycling Team
DNF Devoet Theo KON. VC T Meetjesland - Knesselare
DNF Sucaet Sebastian KON. VC T Meetjesland - Knesselare
DNF Collignon Yannis Mini Discar Cycling Team
DNF Vermeer Tom Shifting Gears
DNF Delbarge Victor Urbano-Vulsteke CT
DNF Chapman Adam Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team
DNF Mannaert Thorben Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team
DNF Verhofstadt Thibau Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team
DNF Den Braber Tim Volharding Cycling Team
