Gravel and Tar

UCI, Tek-günlük yarış, 20. Ocak 2024, New Zealand


Poz. Bisikletçi TakımUCI Zaman
1 Burnett JoshMitoQ-NZ Cycling Project 40 03:33:29
2 Clark BorisNew Zealand 30 + 03
3 Lane Welsh TaliCCACHE x Par Küp 25 + 18
4 Campbell MaxCCACHE x Par Küp 20 + 03:37
5 Haden GlennCouplands C.Tom RT 15 + 03:37
6 Gate AaronNew Zealand 10 + 05:06
7 Niquet-Olden BentleyCCACHE x Par Küp 5 + 06:45
8 McGovern MitchellCriterion BE x Racing 3 + 07:26
9 Erwood MarshallMitoQ-NZ Cycling Project 3 + 07:55
10 Christensen RyanNew Zealand 3 + 07:55
11 Chapman AdamRushVelo Ridley + 07:55
12 Evans TobyCouplands C.Tom RT + 07:55
13 Krzanich JamesEVO Cycles + 07:55
14 Williamson JamesMitoQ-NZ Cycling Project + 08:01
15 Voogel JaapGlobal Cycling Team + 08:06
16 Mudgway LukeNew Zealand + 12:12
17 Beaumont CameronPRV Racing + 12:12
18 Heffernan WilliamCCACHE x Par Küp + 12:12
OOT Larcombe OllieEVO Cycles
OOT Buijk BartGlobal Cycling Team
OOT Hofmeester MariusGlobal Cycling Team
OOT Pawson EdwardNew Zealand
OOT Douglas JoelPRV Racing
DNS Francis AdamEVO Cycles
DNF Eather KurtCCACHE x Par Küp
DNF Hannon WilsonCouplands C.Tom RT
DNF Hornblow KeeganCouplands C.Tom RT
DNF O'Donnell BaileyCouplands C.Tom RT
DNF Bailey BlakeCriterion BE x Racing
DNF Cheesman TomCriterion BE x Racing
DNF Davis JoshCriterion BE x Racing
DNF King JaxonCriterion BE x Racing
DNF Duynhoven PaulEVO Cycles
DNF Murphy FinneganEVO Cycles
DNF Oliver BenEVO Cycles
DNF Brinkman DavidGlobal Cycling Team
DNF Swenne DelanoGlobal Cycling Team
DNF Willemsen MeesGlobal Cycling Team
DNF Gardner JamesMitoQ-NZ Cycling Project
DNF Oliver CraigMitoQ-NZ Cycling Project
DNF Ritchie SamuelMitoQ-NZ Cycling Project
DNF Bower LewisNew Zealand
DNF Davis MattPRV Racing
DNF Grave OliverPRV Racing
DNF Morrison MauiPRV Racing
DNF Wilson FinnPRV Racing
DNF Medlicott SamRushVelo Ridley
DNF Price CorbyRushVelo Ridley
DNF Tregidga EliRushVelo Ridley
DNF Wilson MatthewRushVelo Ridley
DNF Kaihau MatiuWest Coath Nth Island
DNF Mason EuanWest Coath Nth Island
DNF Nicol CorbanWest Coath Nth Island
DNF Padega JackWest Coath Nth Island
DNF Wade SamWest Coath Nth Island
